Silvery Black and White Print from Mono Lake. 1979

Grasses. Paoha Island. Mono Lake, CA. 1979. Copyright 1979 Stephen Johnson. All Rights Reserved Worldwide.From “At Mono Lake.”

The silvery highlights in this photograph from Mono Lake made me fall in love with this print from 1980. In the darkroom, a two-bath paper developer process allowed softer and extended highlight development followed by a short emersion in a strong developer to hit the more exposed (darker) areas of the print. This technique was inspired by my friend Ted Orland who used it on a wonderful print, as I recall, of an old gas station pump.

The darkroom print development for this print, as best I can recall, was Kodak Selector Soft as the first developer, in the tray for quite a long time. It might have even been as long as 9 minutes. The idea was to fully develop the highlight and mid-tone values, then use Kodak Dektol as a second more powerful developer (30 seconds to a minute or two) to take the print’s dark values, now saturated with developer, but still only dark gray from the Selectol-Soft, and let the Dektol take the dark values to a rich black. The paper I used was Agfa Brovira toned briefly in Selenium toner after development.

I was so pleased with the results that I made 5 identical prints and froze the paper to come back and do more. I was never able to repeat the effect.

I made this image while gathering work for my group show “At Mono Lake.”

Explore alternative and beautiful tonal interpretations in my Digital Black and White Vision and Printing Workshop on June 24–25. One spot left.

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About Stephen Johnson

Stephen Johnson is a landscape photographer, designer and teacher. He has been photographing since 1973. His work has been featured in Communication Arts, Life Magazine, American Photo, Outdoor Photographer, and ABC Discovery News, among many others. His books include At Mono Lake, the award winning and critically acclaimed The Great Central Valley: California’s Heartland, Making a Digital Book and the new Stephen Johnson on Digital Photography. Internationally recognized as a digital photography pioneer, Johnson's photographs have been exhibited, published and collected in the United States, Europe, Mexico and Japan. In 1994 he embarked on With A New Eye, the ground breaking all digital photographic look at American national parks, to be published in due course. In 2003 he was inducted into the Photoshop Hall of Fame. Canon named him to their Explores of Light program in 2006 and X-Rite as a founding member of their exclusive Coloratti color experts group in 2007. Stephen is well-known for his passionate lectures and love for the traditions of fine photography. From Photoshop features, to cameras, printers, and papers, Stephen's consulting with high tech imaging companies have helped shape the very tools we all use today. His photography studios, galleries and education center are located in Pacifica, California.