Storm, South Shore Mono Lake. 1979

from “At Mono Lake.” Copyright ©1979 Stephen Johnson

Going back through early Mono Lake work, this is an early C print from 6x7cm Vericolor Negative scan from Ektacolor print. It was an afternoon that helped cement my love and commitment to Mono Lake. It was kinda wild. It also taught me a lot about light filled color and the real world beauty of the pastels I was seeing everywhere.

Mono Craters under Lenticular Cloud Bank. 1980.

Mono Lake and the Eastern Sierra Photography Workshop

October 13-16, 2022

One discounted space left.

A strange lunar-like lake, eerie tufa towers, spectacular clouds, and fall colors…

Join us for four days exploring photography in the stark and beautiful scenery of this legendary lake, unlike any other landscape in the world. Its alkaline water, desert vistas, volcanoes and unusual tufa towers make it a remarkable place.

The workshop will be taught by the pioneer in digital landscape photography, Stephen Johnson Johnson. Also the organizer of the “At Mono Lake” exhibition from which selections are currently on display at the National Forest Visitor’s Center. Steve has been teaching at Mono Lake for more than 40 years.

Workshop webpage:

Direct to Registration:

At Mono Lake project webpage:

Space Shuttle Columbia (STS75) Launch 1996

An Artemis abort consulation 9/2/22: Space Shuttle Columbia (STS75) launch February 22, 1996. Taken from the Vertical Assembly Building. Kennedy Space Center.

Kodak DCS 460c. Copyright ©1996 Stephen Johnson.

Columbia flew nine more times before it was lost in 2003 during reentry likely due to insulation foam breaking a wing tile during launch.

It was amazing to see. I watched from the top of the huge Vertical Assembly Building, 3 miles away, which was shaking. The rocket shot up so fast, and was quickly gone.

Columbia Space Shuttle (STS-75) External Fuel Tank and Solid Rocket Booster (SRB) on Launch Pad 39B. 1996. Kodak DCS460c on Nikon N90. Copyright ©1996 by Stephen Johnson.

Got up early for the Artemis Moon Launch this morning (8/29/22), putting me into a Space state of mind. Disappointed by the delay, my mind drifted to my experiences at the Kennedy Space Center, watching a Space Shuttle launch and landing, and being on top of Pad 39B the night before take off. As I’ve been working of expanding my galleries of photos, the treasure trove of my shuttle work took me right back to those experiences.

KSC Photos:

My Space Exploration Photos to Purchase:

Me at Launch, Vertical Assembly Building. Kennedy Space Center, FL 1996